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At glossydeals, just like many other reputable fashion websites, we utilize cookies – small files transferred to your computer – to enhance your browsing experience. Our privacy policy outlines the data collected through these cookies, how we use them, and the circumstances that necessitate storing them. Additionally, you can manage cookies through your browser setting, although disabling them may impact your site experience. 

Cookies serve various purposes and are crucial for a website's functionality and performance, according to industry standards. Disabling cookies can significantly affect your experience on our fashion selling site and many other websites. It often leads to the loss of specific features, making it advisable to keep cookies enabled. 


Forms Related Cookies: 

When you submit data through forms, like those on contact or comment pages, cookies may be set to remember your details for future correspondence. 

Third Party Cookies: 

We employ cookies from trusted third parties for specific purposes, including: 

  • Google Analytics: This widely trusted analytics solution helps us understand your site usage, allowing us to improve your experience. Google Analytics cookies track metrics such as your time spent on the site and the pages you visit, aiding us in producing engaging fashion content. 
  • Third-Party Analytics: These cookies measure site usage, helping us create engaging content and enhance the site for you. 
  • Social Media Cookies:  We integrate social media buttons/plugins from platforms such as LinkedIn and Instagram. These cookies, set through our site, enrich your social network profile or contribute to the data held by these platforms, as outlined in their respective privacy policies. 


By using glossydeals, you consent to the use of cookies as described above. For more detailed information, please refer to our comprehensive privacy policy. Your fashion journey with us is important, and cookies play a role in ensuring you have a seamless and enjoyable experience.